New Plant Varieties and Animal Breeds

Membership in International Conventions

– International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), 1991 Act, since November 29, 2008.


As from February 1, 2007, the “Sakpatenti” confers the selectionist’s rights to the selectionist and via the issuance of the Official Bulletin, the public is provided with the information as to the applications on plant varieties and rights conferred by selectionists.

Applicant: the selectionist or the employer who instructed him on plant breeding, is allowed to register the plant variety and obtain the Certificate.

Plant varieties have the following criteria of protectability: novelty, distinctiveness, uniformity and stability.

Procedure: the “Sakpatenti” accepts the application, within one month carries out the examination as to form, publishes the information in the Official Bulletin and takes a decision for the conveying the plant variety for examination. On the basis of a favorable decision, the plant variety can be registered and the Certificate will be granted.

Any opposition must be lodged within three months after publication.

Animal breeding and protection: same as for “New Plant Varieties” above. Valid as from February 1, 2007.