Computer Software

– Treaty on the E.E.A. of May 2, 1992 (LGBI. No. 68/1995) (especially Annex XVII), since May 1, 1995.
– Copyright Law of May 19, 1999 (LGBI. No. 160/1999) in its actual version, and Regulations to Copyright Law of December 14, 1999 (LGBI. No. 253/1999).

Membership in International Conventions

– Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, since August 1, 1951 (as revised in Paris 1971).
– Universal Copyright Convention, since January 22, 1959.
– Treaty on Commercial Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) of April 15, 1994, since September 1, 1995.
– WIPO Copyright Treaty, since April 30, 2007.


Definition: computer programs (software) which are not trite, including parts and drafts, are considered as literary and artistic works according to the Copyright Law.

Registration: not provided for, i.e. not necessary for protection.

Beginning of protection: from the date of creation.

Duration of protection: seventy years after the death of the author; if the author is unknown, seventy years after the first publication. The protection period begins on December 31st of the year of first publication.

Infringement and penalties: follows the same rules as for literary and artistic works (refer to Copyright Law).