475,442 sq. km.
30,966,105 (2024).
C.F.A. franc.
Official languages
French, English.
Main agricultural and natural products
Cocoa, coffee, bananas, sugar cane, cotton, grains, farming and forestry.
Main Mineral Products
Petroleum, titanium, gold (bauxite and iron not yet worked).
Main exports
Petroleum, coffee, cocoa, bananas, cotton and timber.
Tourist Industry
Natural reserves, hunting, Kapsik, Rumsiki and Kribi.
(per capita): U.S.$ 1,673 (estimated 2023).
A German colony until 1919. Thereafter divided into mandated territories of the League of Nations under France and Great Britain until 1945. A UN Trust Territory from 1945, French Cameroon obtained its internal administrative autonomy and became a member of the French Community, and later achieved its full independence on January 1, 1960. South Cameroon (British) federated with French Cameroon, while the North Cameroon (British) joined Nigeria in 1961.
The Republic of Cameroon is mainly an agricultural country. A few small industries have started: aluminium, tobacco, beer, paper pulp (gas is expected soon).
Cameroon is a member of “Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa” (CEMAC), previously known as “Customs and Economics Union of Central Africa” (UDEAC), and a member of “Economic Community of Central African States” (CEEAC).
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