28,051 sq. km.
1,795,834 (2024 est.).
Coopération financière en Afrique centrale franc (CFA franc) (1 euro = 656 CFA francs) (1 U.S. dollar = 632 CFA francs) (January 2025).
Spanish (official), French, Portuguese, Fang, Bubi, Annobonese, Ndowe, Bissio, Balingue.
Main agricultural and natural products
Coffee, cocoa, rice, yams, cassava, bananas, palm oil, nuts, livestock, timber.
Main industries
Petroleum, natural gas, sawmilling.
Main exports
Crude petroleum, natural gas, fertilizers, packaged medicine, cars.
(per capita): U.S.$ 15,700 (estimated 2023).
Equatorial Guinea comprises a mainland territory (Rio Muni) and some island territories (the most important being Bioko, two volcanic mountains, previously named Fernando Po) on the Atlantic coast of Africa bordering on Cameroon and Gabon. The country is divided into seven administrative provinces. It gained independence on October 12, 1968, and its form of government is a republic.
The country’s natural resources include petroleum, natural gas, timber, gold, bauxite, diamonds, tantalum, sand and gravel and clay.
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